This is a little project I made under influence of another David Shiffman’s video. The implementation I found rather intriguing and interesting to redo in SVG. Here is my attempt - I’ve used a code in Coding Train repo for Islamic Star Patterns and completely rewrite it for vanilla Javascript and rendering in SVG. This project really helped me to understand OOP paradigm in JS, and helped a lot in the next project (You’ll see it very soon), and to understand how SVG animation working.

If you have any suggestions - please write me on twitter. All code is available on my Github - this time I decided that this project is big enough for separate repository - feel free to make issue/PR/fork/etc.. There is a lot improve - another objects (triangles, etc), customization through CSS and so on.

Interesting part of this project is implementing standard P5.JS Vector objects - The best way to understand something for me is rewriting it. I needed a lot of vector methods for making this thing work. Here is rotating function, for example:

Vector.prototype.rotate = function(angle) {
    x = Math.round(10000*(this.x * Math.cos(angle) - this.y * Math.sin(angle)))/10000;
    y = Math.round(10000*(this.x * Math.sin(angle) + this.y * Math.cos(angle)))/10000;
    return new Vector(x, y);

And many more - take a look at repository

So enjoy, experiment and share your thoughts!

Islamic Star Patterns in SVG

deltainc: angleinc: