Arduino Node SocketIO Setup Tutorial

Arduino is a cool thing - people making all kinds of interesting stufff with it - from robots to synthesizers and so on. It happened that friend of mine gave me one to play with. After some experiments and googling I’ve made a connection between Arduino and webpage. It was really easy, and below is my little tutorial on how to make such thing. Hope you’ll find it useful and will make something bigger from it.

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L Systems Generator

This is a little project I’ve made betveen switching from working in one company to another. Now I realise, that maybe I’m a bit obsessed with fractals. But anyway, I like what I’ve done.

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As in wikipedia, Phyllotaxis or phyllotaxy is the arrangement of leaves on a plant stem (from Ancient Greek phýllon “leaf” and táxis “arrangement”). Phyllotactic spirals form a distinctive class of patterns in nature.

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Islamic Star Patterns in SVG

This is a little project I made under influence of another David Shiffman’s video. The implementation I found rather intriguing and interesting to redo in SVG. Here is my attempt - I’ve used a code in Coding Train repo for Islamic Star Patterns and completely rewrite it for vanilla Javascript and rendering in SVG. This project really helped me to understand OOP paradigm in JS, and helped a lot in the next project (You’ll see it very soon), and to understand how SVG animation working.

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Maurer Rose

Mathematics can be very beautiful. Below is javascript implementation of mathematical rose - (rhodonea curve is a sinusoid plotted in polar coordinates) with Maurer rose (consists of some lines that connect some points on a rose curve). Formulas is relatively simple, and can be found in wikipedia pages: Mathematical Rose and Maurer rose.

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Random walker with vector object (Lévy flight)

Hey everyone! After yesterday attempt to code random walker, I thought it would be a good idea to implement almost same thing but with vector object. As far as I know it’s common practice to use vectors to describe coordinates and speed of objects - and it turns to be a good idea in this little do-it-after-came-back-from-work project. Previous version of random walker is here

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Elementary Cellular Automaton

While working on Game Of Life - I’ve became interested in Cellular Automation, and found another interesting example to do - Elementary cellular automaton. According to Wikipedia, “… an elementary cellular automaton is a one-dimensional cellular automaton where there are two possible states (labeled 0 and 1) and the rule to determine the state of a cell in the next generation depends only on the current state of the cell and its two immediate neighbors.” It was Super simple, right? But it was well challenging for me as for a novice programmer, and also lead to some new knowledge and understanding of what’s going on. It’s 255 different rules instead of three in Game Of Life, but they do not implement simultaniously, one rule per one automata. There is a big list of all the rules can be found here. The most interesting ones I used in my project. Also, this automata is kind of boring and I added some colour fun. So, take a look!

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Game Of Life!

For a little while I’ve been working on a first real (at least for me) project - an implementation of Conway’s Game of Life in Javascript. It was one of the exercises in excellent book Eloquent Javascript and first one that actually made me really interested in programming process itself. For couple of days I wasn’t eating and sleeping and just programming this thing and thinking about it. And when it was actually done - that was really amazing. I haven’t felt myself like this since childhood. Good start of the year! So, the source for the game can be found on my Github, and you can play it right below! The usage is very basic, but I’m sure that I will continue to contribute to the project to make it more user-friendly and nice.

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Hello World!

Hi everybody! Partially as a little challenge to myself, partially for expiriense in English writing (I’m a native Russian) I started a blog today. I will be using Jekyll for static blog, and GitHub for hosting. The markdown syntax is totally new to me, so as english writing so many mistakes is on its way! Soon I’ll add Disqus for comments, and first little project is coming.

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